New Function Release: Upload Your Music to Web3
New Function Release: Upload Your Music to Web3
November 18, 2023

New Function Release: Upload Your Music to Web3.0

Registration on Web3.0

Step 1: Upload music

Drag and drop your music file onto the upload space, or click on “Upload File” to select your file.


Step 2: Fill in your music information

Enter essential details for your music, including name, price, author, instruments, emotions, etc.


Step 3: Upload to Web3 selection

Once all the information is entered, check the “Release it on Web 3.0” option.


Step 4: Check platform contract

Thoroughly read and agree to the contract terms, then click “Upload.”


Step 5: Subscription plan options

Select either a monthly or annual subscription plan for your music.


Step 6: Payment process

Upon selecting a subscription plan, you will be redirected to the payment page. Fill in your payment information.


Step 7: Payment completion

After completing the payment, you will be redirected to the “My Music List” page, where you can verify that the work has been uploaded.


Step 8: Upload confirmation

Click on the ellipsis to view detailed information about your music and confirm that the work has been uploaded to Web3.


Step 9: Access your NFT details

Add your NID number from Step 8 to the end of the following link ( to access your asset’s profile on the Numbers Protocol.


Part 2. Edit the information

Edit your file information (Pending)

To edit your music file’s information, click on the draft icon on your music’s information page. The edited information will also be synchronized on Web3.


Part 3. Cancel Process

Step 1: Cancel the subscription

To cancel your subscription, go to the music’s information editing page, uncheck the Web3 option, and confirm the changes.”


Step 2: Confirm cancellation

After refreshing the page, review your music information to confirm that your Web3 subscription is no longer active.


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