Music for Video Matching A.I.​

Sell Your Creativities​

​40,000 Times Profits​

Transform Time To Treasure ​

Additional Blockchain Copyright Protection​

Copyright Free Music & Sound Recommendations

Video and Images to Music
Find the perfect match musicians' music & authentic sound effects through the video & images you uploaded
Music to Music
From musical emotion, genre, musicality to reference music, magic happened when the music matches your preference come out in seconds.
Text to Music & SFX
From text, scripts, plot summary, cue sheet to music & sound effects! Find it on 'Premium'
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Film Scoring Battle
Film Scoring Battle
  • Showcase your contents while the musicians versus the musicians using tools on film scoring.
  • The competition between creators, technology in metaverse, US, UK, France & Taiwan
Add On: Contract Secured on Web 3.0
Add On: Contract Secured on Web 3.0
  • Profit sharing
  • Customized price
  • Non exclusive contract
  • Non-training license
  • Transparent transaction
  • Sell in Web 3.0 (optional)

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