一月 27, 2023

101個讓您的公司成長的 ChatGPT 咒語 - AV Mapping與您分享

與您分享 101 A.V. Mapping 執行過大部分的 ChatGPT 咒語 

希望讓我們的企業一起成功。 🙌 A.V. Mapping 旨在運用 AI 解放更多創造潛力,讓創作者能夠開發更多潛力,同時更成功。 🚀 有了 A.V. Mapping 的 AI ,你的創作過程將加速2000倍!

Welcome to A.V. Mapping - AI your creativities!

A.V. Mapping 是為創作者和音樂家打造的 AI. 

         AI 在數秒鐘內從影片、照片、遊戲或參考音樂的資訊,找到最合適的音樂和音效,同時完成 AI 降噪、編輯音檔。
        👉 與音樂人分享利潤,比其他平台高出四萬倍
        👉 每次音樂人上傳音樂時,我們 AI 都會對直接對音樂分析、標記和記錄,讓音樂可以更快找到合適的影片買家。

最簡單也最快速讓創作者搭上與 AI 對決的 AI 列車 

        1️⃣ 上傳或拖曳您的影片、圖片、遊戲或音樂
        2️⃣ 獲得 AI 推薦最合適的音樂、音效,同時,AI 為音檔降噪
        👉 直接預覽、視聽所推薦的曲目,同時按下愛心儲存你喜歡的音樂
        👉 在線上使用編輯工具,可以跟隨您的喜好,調整音樂和音效的時間,或者調整參數再重新分析看看,我們會存下您的設定。
        3️⃣ 將影片發布,並分享給您的親朋好友吧!



與您分享 101 A.V. Mapping 執行過大部分的 ChatGPT 咒語

  請記得,這些所有的訊息都僅供參考,仍然還是需要人類對資料進行兩次驗證。 OpenGPT 中的數據是在 2019 年之前收集的(2023/01/30時有推出新的版本,其中有更新維基百科的資料到2023/01/30,但僅有維基百科)。而且資料大部分還是與美國有關,所以我們還是有看到了一些不正確的資料。   另外,內容當然應該更改為人類風格,讓讀者更喜歡您的文章、提高參與度!它是一個有用的助手,但人類仍然需要管理它。像 A.V. Mapping,是另一個人類與 AI 的協作的例子。以下分享的所有 101 行,我們也準備好即將在我們的網站或是社群媒體上更新,如果您喜歡我們提到的任何資訊,也請歡迎分享、訂閱、加小鈴鐺(?) 也

👉歡迎繼續關注和支持我們 A.V. Mapping !


內容 Content (40)

行銷素材 Marketing Materials (3)

    1. Write the chatbot script for welcoming new customers for video music ai platform
       為影片配樂人工智能平台編寫 [歡迎新客戶] 的聊天機器人腳本
    2. Make the document to show as a professional event organizer
    3. Generate a marketing plan for video music AI companies in video and music industries with:
       1 Executive Summary 2 Mission Statement
        3 Situation Analysis 4 Target Market
        為影片和音樂行業的影片配樂 AI 公司制定市場營銷計劃:
        1 執行摘要 2 使命宣言
         3 現狀分析 4 目標市場

行銷材料:網站 Marketing Material: Website (4)

    4. Write an example of a landing page for a video music AI searching platform
       編寫一個影片配樂 AI 搜索平台的首頁範例
    5. Write the crowdfunding event for: [one action that your campaign is taking]  with timeline
    6. Rename the events short in movie style with FAIM and film
        用關鍵字" FAIM" 和 "film" 將活動重新命名為電影風格的標題
    7. Write down the landing page "Dear Musicians" letter for https://avmapping.co/
    Highlight: Benefits for musicians (the AI shares the profits with musicians 40K times more than other platform did); How to use as musicians (upload the music and that's all. Don't even need to enter the labels. Join us now.
       寫下 https://avmapping.co/ 的首頁“親愛的音樂家”信

關於影片和音樂的文章 Articles about video & music (2)

    8. Write an article about the importance of music to a video
    9. The history and the first year of first text, image, video, music, film music

AVMapping 相關文章 Articles about AVMapping (5)

    10. (Not good) : Make the document to showcase all the latest artistic technology art around the world in video music AI platform which enlightens creators with tech and serve 10,000 creators around US, Europe and Asia within a year.
    11. Write an article to showcase all the latest artistic technology art in conjunction with AI video music platform
    12. Write an article telling everyone that partnering with AI video music matching & licensing platform (share profits with musicians) will be your best choice since you are on top of the latest technology and the latest trend!
    13. Write an article that introduces AI noise reduction technology and web browser audio editing tools for audio mixing, panning, volume adjusting in all computers, tablets and cellphones, in three steps, along with music and sound effects recommendations.
        寫一篇文章,介紹 AI 降噪技術和網頁瀏覽器音檔編輯工具,用於所有電腦、平板和手機的混音、聲相、音量調節,三個步驟完成,同時提供音樂和音效推薦。
    14. Write [company] [CEO] biography

AI 相關文章 Articles about AI (6)

    15. What's other than generative AI
    16. Write an article about the technology progression start from human to ai to ai working with human
    17. Write an article explaining how AI finds the right music for videos
        寫一篇文章解釋 AI 如何為影片找到合適的音樂
    18. How AI analyze Dialog?
    19. Explain how does AI analyze the video and images?
    20. Explain how does AI generate music?

活動相關文章 Articles about Event (1)

    21. Introduce LA tech week

行銷材料:廣告 Marketing Material: Ad. (3)

    22. Write the ad for a competition between AI and musicians
    23. Write the ad for competition between a music master and alive musicians superstar
    24. Take this as a reference to make the social media advertisement for AV mapping [description] with rhythm like rap lyrics: [Ad. reference]
        以此為參考製作AV Mapping的社群媒體廣告 [描述] 旋律像說唱歌詞: [廣告。參考]

Marketing Material: Posts (4)

    25. Write a social media post how music affects the video
    26. Write the social media post about: [Blog title]
    27. Rewrite a social media post about [Audrey Hepburn] for the film and music industry with hashtag:
    28. Rewrite a social media post for the film and music industry with emoji and hashtag:

Post about AVMapping (6)

    29. Write the social media post about the video that we asked some people in the street. Receiving their thoughts about video music, film scoring and testing their recognition for all kinds of famous film music.
    30. Share A.V. Mapping news in [group] in a non advertisement way
        以非廣告方式,在[群]分享A.V. Mapping
    31. (* This is better: ) Introduce A.V. Mapping [description] like a professional filmmaker who is struggling finding the right music to society & social media group with a non advertisement way. with the format of listing out product functions and product advantages for video makers, creators, musicians, in emoji and interesting, playful, energetic style
         (* 這個比較好: ) 像一個專業的電影製作人的方式,介紹 A.V. Mapping [描述] ,他正在努力通過非廣告方式為社會和社群媒體群體尋找合適的音樂。為影片製作者、創作者、音樂人列出產品功能和產品優勢的形式,以表情符號和有趣、俏皮、活力的風格
    32. Introduce A.V. Mapping in group with non advertisement way like pro: [description]
        像pro一樣、用非廣告方式,介紹 A.V. Mapping:[說明]
    33. Introduce A.V. Mapping [description] like a professional filmmaker who is struggling finding right music to the society & social media group with non advertisement way. with the format of listing out product functions and product advantages for video makers, creators, musicians, in emoji and interesting, playful, energetic style.
        像一個專業的電影製作人,以非廣告方式,以表情符號的形式,以有趣、俏皮、活力的風格,介紹 A.V. Mapping [描述] ,他正在努力向社會和社群媒體群體尋找合適的音樂。為影片製作者、創作者、音樂人列出產品功能和產品優勢。
    34. Call film composer, filmmaker, recording studio, audio team, film crew, film editors, video editors, sound man, sound engineers. Don't start with calling

翻譯 Translation (4)

* 我幾乎每次都會用這個,所以如果這裡有 101 行咒語,那麼我應該有完成 202 行指令。但是用下來感覺,用google doc的話來翻譯繁體中文還比較穩定一點。
    35. Translate into Traditional Mandarin: [post]
    36. Translate into English with hashtag: [post]
    37. Traditional Mandarin with more hashtag: [post]
    38. Translate into "Korean”: [post]

Design Suggestion (2)

    39. (no answer to this: ) Choose the best design for AI post
        (這個沒有答案)為 AI 貼文 選擇最好的設計
    40. (It’s good) Give me some design advice for AI generated posts

公司文件和參考資料 Company Document & Reference (24)

公司文件 Company Document (7)

    41. Write A.V. Mapping Company compliance
        寫A.V. Mapping公司規範
    42. Write A.V. Mapping Company's vision and goal around “enlighten creators' potential with tech” “ transform artists' time into treasures” “ A.V. Mapping ai your creativities”
        寫A.V. Mapping 公司的願景和目標圍繞著“用科技激發創作者的潛能”“將藝術家的時間變成財富”“A.V. Mapping,AI 您的創造力”
    43. Write a Document of A.V. Mapping Company culture with passion and energy which company vision and goal around “enlighten creators' potential with tech” and “ transform artists' time into treasures” “ A.V. Mapping ai your creativities”
        以熱情與活力寫一份 A.V. Mapping公司文化的文件,公司願景和目標圍繞“用科技激發創作者的潛能”和“將藝術家的時間變成財富”“A.V. Mapping AI 您的創造力”
    44. Write a Document on A.V. Mapping Company rules and improvement
        寫一篇關於 A.V. 的文件 Mapping公司規則和優化
    45. Write A.V. Mapping document “Global Code of Conduct” with 1. Introduction: 2. Our Value: 3. Our Commitments:  4. Our Responsibilities: to transform artists' time into treasure 5. Where to get help 6. Compliance with the Global Code of Conduct - 7. Contacts and feedback
        寫 A.V. Mapping 的文件“全球行為準則”,內容包含 1. 簡介: 2. 我們的價值觀: 3. 我們的承諾: 4. 我們的責任:將藝術家的時間轉化為財富 5. 從哪裡獲得幫助 6. 遵守全球行為準則- 7. 聯繫人和反饋
    46. A.V. Mapping Brand Guideline take [link] as reference
        A.V. Mapping品牌指南以[鏈接]為參考
    47. Write an A.V. Mapping answer to the following item:
        1. Getting Started
        2. Tutorials
        3. Help Topics
            - Creating New Video Music
            - Upload Music
            - Toolbar
            - Video Library
            - Music Library
            - Upload Music List
            - Transaction Management
            - My Wallet
            - User Story Mapping
            - Overview of the basic features
        4. FAQ
            - How to Create a video music
            - Public video library vs Private video library
            - Roles in A.V. Mapping
            - Work Smarter, not Longer
        寫一個 A.V. Mapping以下項目的答案:
            1. 開始
                - 創建新的影片配樂
                - 上傳音樂
                - 工具欄
                - 影片庫
                - 曲庫
                - 上傳音樂列表
                - 交易管理
                - 我的錢包
                - 用戶故事 Mapping
                - 基本特徵概述
            4. 常見問題
                - 如何製作影片配樂
                - 公共影片庫與私人影片庫
                - 在 A.V. Mapping中的角色
                - 更聰明,而不是更長時間地工作
    48. Write a software cooperation NDA for A.V. Mapping video music AI platform
        為 A.V. Mapping 影視音樂AI平台寫一份軟體的合作 NDA

SEO 策略參考 SEO Strategy Reference (3)

    49. How to improve SEO
        如何改善 SEO
    50. Make a list of SEO strategies for a brand.
        列出品牌的 SEO 策略
    51. Make a Twitter thread of SEO strategies for a video music brand.
        Act like an SEO expert, up-to-date with nowadays practices.
        Each tweet should explain a key part of the SEO strategy.
        Include uncommon ideas only. Add uncommon, efficient tools as needed. Exclude hashtags.
        Each strategy must have a 3-item list to explain how to implement the strategy with a clear indication & the video music A.V. Mapping example.
        為影片配樂品牌製作 SEO 策略的 Twitter 串列。
        像 SEO 專家一樣行事,了解當今的最新做法。
        每條推文都應解釋 SEO 策略的關鍵部分。
        每個策略都必須有一個 3 項列表,以明確指示,與以影片配樂 A.V.  Mapping舉例,來解釋如何實施該策略。。

公司建議 Company Advice (2)

    52. The example of alternative forms of rewards or incentives
    53. How much should I charge in service as a product

金融與投資策略 Finance & Investment Strategy (4)

    54. What should I prepare for investors when I sell my company shares
    55. Flip companies in different countries
    56. Receive investment from different countries investors
    57. Write financial projections for [ product ] from product development to business development in three years

投影片參考 Pitch Deck Reference (4)

    58. List out the best 10  examples of fundraising decks and their website
        > Find 10 websites where you can find fundraising deck templates and examples in the end.
        列出 10 個募資投影片的最佳典範及其網站
        > 最後找到 10 個投影片相關網站,您可以在其中找到募資投影片的範例。
    59. Write the fundraising plan from product development to business development to make a 3 billion revenue company in three years
    60. Make some user personas for video production houses, visual creators, and product managers for video software
    61. The table of contents about the pitch deck about promising business growth in B2B fundraising
        關於 B2B 募資中,有前途的成長企業,演講稿的目錄

準備 Preparation (27)

- 市場研究 Market Research (18) :
     > ChatGPT 信息僅到 2019 年為止。因此市場列表有點舊。結果在Google上搜索仍然更好。而且在針對美國以外的列表時,它也無法正常工作。
    62. List out those sponsors in film and music-related events
    63. List out the co-working space platform
    64. Where can I list my co-working space
    65. List out VST companies
    66. List out Software plugin companies
    67. Name all the Music instruments shop in [ city name]
        > This is not working well when the city is outside the U.S.
         > 當城市不在美國時,這種方法效果不佳
    68. List out event organizers in the US
    69. List out music billboard companies
    70. list out film industry influencers on billboard
    71. list mid high-level film music industry individual influencers and their Instagram link
        列出中高層電影音樂行業的個人網紅及其 Instagram 鏈接
    72. list senior level film-music industry individual influencers and their Instagram link.
        列出高級電影音樂行業的個人網紅及其 Instagram 鏈接
    73. list junior level music industry individual influencers and their Instagram link
        列出初級音樂行業的個人網紅和他們的 Instagram 鏈接
    74. list out music industry community influencers and their Instagram link
        列出音樂行業社群網紅和他們的 Instagram 鏈接
    75. List individual indie music industry influencers and their Instagram link
        列出獨立音樂行業的網紅及其 Instagram 鏈接
    76. list out film music industry influencers' website
    77. List indie film industry influencers and their Instagram link
        列出獨立電影行業的網紅和他們的 Instagram 鏈接
    78. Top-ranked music labels
    79. Where can I list my extension, plug-in, API?

產品介紹 Product Introduction (5)

    80. Write a product introduction about different gifts with AI choosing different music
        寫一篇關於不同禮物,用 AI 選擇不同的音樂,的產品介紹
    81. Write the product introduction for the video music AI platform step by step
    82. Write a guide in the number emoji about video music AI platforms teaching everyone from uploading videos to get the music recommendations from AI with emojis & hashtag:
    83. Write an interesting social media post with emoji & hashtag following the guide:
    84. Write a guide in the number emoji about AI noise reduction platforms teaching everyone from uploading audio to get noise reduction from AI with emojis & hashtags:

電子郵件 Email (4)

    85. Explain to [platform] how A.V. Mapping technology can help their business customers make videos faster with technology, which their customers will appreciate.
        向 [platform] 解釋 A.V. Mapping技術可以幫助他們的商業客戶利用技術更快地製作影片,他們的客戶會很欣賞這一點。
    86. Send email to musicians explaining how AI is changing the world, but we are the AI helping musicians. Wish they could join us to fight against AI
        向音樂家發送電子郵件,解釋 AI 如何改變世界,但我們是幫助音樂家的 AI。希望他們能和我們一起對抗AI
    87. Write the document to invite VST and plug-in companies to use our video music AI platform as API or upcoming products solution integration
    88. Write a private message on Instagram to ask new people to join A.V. Mapping, the platform helping creators with AI tech
        在Instagram上寫私信邀請新人加入A.V. Mapping,幫助創作者使用 AI 技術的平台

其他 Others (12)

身為新創的內心雲霄飛車 Startup’s Roller Coaster (4)

    89. Tell me how beautiful the sunset is
    90. What should I do when I feel burnout?
    91. What should I do if I feel frustrated
    92. Tell me how beautiful the world is

迷因 Meme (8)

>   只是試了一下,好像ChatGPT不夠幽默。
    93. Write a standup comedy routine about a film composer
    94. Write ten jokes about A.V. Mapping.
        寫十個關於 A.V. Mapping 的笑話
    95. Write a standup comedy routine about filmmakers.
    96. Write a standup comedy routine about musicians
    97. Write a standup comedy routine about a film composer
    98. Write a standup comedy routine about A.V. Mapping
        寫一個關於 A.V. Mapping 的單口喜劇腳本
    99. Write ten jokes about filmmakers.
    100. Write a standup comedy routine about musicians
    101. Ten things you ( chatGPT ) are proud of

喜歡我們在做的事情的話,可以送我們一些漢堡🍔 👉 https://avmapping.co/donation/ https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/873/1*d8W7E7leKrG0IjxUa5Ywmg.png

更多關於 A.V. Mapping

🎵 Website: https://avmapping.co/ 🎬 YouTube: @ avmapping 📷 Instagram: @ avmappingFacebook: @ av.mapping 💰 LinkedIn: @A.V. Mapping️ 🗣️ Medium: A.V. Mapping

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